Sangha is a Sanskrit word that means “bring together.”
In Buddha’s lifetime, the sangha was officially composed of monks and nuns who committed to a lifetime of renunciation.
To participate in the Lifting the Gaze Sangha you do not need to be a renunciate. You do not need to be a Buddhist or take Buddhist refuge vows. You do not need to be an experienced meditator, a vegetarian, or anything different from who you are right now.
That’s the point of practice - getting familiar with who you are, as you are. This is not about rejecting any part of you, no part of your mind, your emotions, your anger or your love, or any part of your body. It is about opening to the basic goodness that lives inside you right now and very gently, over time, letting that goodness come forward and guide your life.
Lifting the Gaze
The Power and Practice of Sangha
Exclusive monthly newsletter about meditation technique, philosophy & application
Monthly meditation prompts
Meditation Field Guide by Cyndi Lee: written & audio meditation instruction
Twice-monthly sits, Dharma talks and Q&A’s with Cyndi
Reduced price meditation mini-retreats
Dharma Day retreat open only to Sangha members
Access to Cyndi’s dharma talk archive
Opportunity to study privately with Cyndi
Upcoming Events
Teacher Trainings, Workshops & Courses
Deepen and refresh your practice by joining Cyndi in one of her upcoming online workshops, classes or trainings.
About Cyndi Lee
Cyndi Lee began teaching meditation 30 years ago with the blessing of her root guru, the great Tibetan master, Gelek Rimpoche. In 2018 she was ordained as a Buddhist Chaplain, under the guidance of Roshi Joan Halifax of Upaya Zen Center.
Cyndi is also the first female Western yoga teacher to fully integrate yoga asana and Tibetan Buddhism in her practice and teaching. From 1998-2012, she founded and ran the renowned OM yoga Center, a yoga studio and dharma center. One of the most influential teachers in the U.S. Cyndi has trained thousands of meditators and yogis worldwide.
From the Yogis
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.
May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May all beings never be parted from freedom’s true joy.
May all beings dwell in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.